Progress Over Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day everybody! I have been climbing the last three days and climbed for a total of ten hours this weekend!

On Saturday I got to try out my new shoes that arrived on Friday.On Saturday I discovered that the evolv designers were climbing geniuses. These shoes are amazing. I was doing some slab while bouldering and I was able to smear with both of my feet so I could reach the next hold – amazing. I climbed really well and felt strong, I even managed to flash an 11a.

On Sunday I didn’t do  anything stellar, but had lots of fun and found a new project ( a 10d that I was so close to doing but could not reach the last two holds :(  ). Today I managed to clean a Boulder Problem that I’ve been working on for a month –  super happy about that. It was a V2 and it took a bit (okay a lot), of trial and error.

Checkout the video of me Bouldering a V1 and a V2!

Here’s me Top Roping a 5.11a

I’ve had loads of fun this weekend!

About Me..

I first decided I wanted to try climbing at a fair when I climbed a mobile climbing wall. We had a break coming up for school and my mom booked me for a climbing camp at the local gym, Twisters. I went and had an unbelievable time. I then took climbing up as a hobby going every Wednesday for a lesson. About three months ago I started to compete not competitively just for experience. At my first competition I did not do great but had loads of fun. I have gone to two YCL competitions and four SCS competitions. In the fall I will go to ACS a bouldering series. Climbing is no longer a hobby more of an obsession.

Review – Twisters Gym

Twisters is my local gym and by far my favorite. It may be small but the people who work there really want to help you get better, and love climbing as much as me. My teachers, Eric and Spencer put in a lot of effort including going to the competitions. Twisters is usually a quiet place so it is good for people who are a bit shy. Also Twisters has a really awesome cave that you can climb up to then jump down from, kind of AWESOME. The gym is divided into different sections the top rope area which is downstairs and the bouldering area upstairs. May not look like the best climbing gym but you should never judge a book by its cover. I give this place five big awesome stars.

Check them out here

My First Competition

My first competition was at Planet Granite, Belmont the gym was really nice and I was a bit over whelmed when I saw how huge it was compared to Twisters. At first I was a bit nervous not knowing how it worked but the set-up was really simple. You were divided into categories based on your age and gender. I was categorized in female youth D. You then got a scorecard and there was a top ropes side and a bouldering side. You did as many top ropes and boulder problems as you could with three attempts at everything. They took your top three climbs for top ropes and the same thing for bouldering and added up your total amount of points. You also had a chance to do the speed climb, which I am not very good at. I did not do great in the competition, but I had lots of fun and it was a great experience. The climbs were different than at my regular gym, Twisters, which made the whole thing more fun.

Review – Evolv Rockstar Climbing Shoes

I recently received a new pair of climbing shoes. They are amazing. They seem perfect for smearing, overhang and slab. They are also the most comfy shoes I have worn. The best part is that they say Rockstar on the side.Seriously  evolv creators are climbing geniuses. They do seem to have a small amount of padding which I have noticed when standing on a hold for too long.

I give these shoes four and a half stars.

Review – Planet Granite, Belmont

Planet Granite, Belmont is where I had my first competition and that place is humongous. They have a combination of slab, overhang and everything else on every route. I do not know how they manage to keep such a nice smell considering how busy it is!

The bouldering area is mainly overhanging. One wall for top roping, my favorite, has tons of features and a great place to chimney. Parking was hard to find and most people had to park up the street. This place was built in an old cinema and is really easy to find considering the big sign which says Belmont.  check it out here


I give it 4 out of 5 stars!


Hi  everybody

Wanted to welcome you to my site. Here I will review all of my equipment and gyms I’ve  been to. I will also tell you about  all the competitions I’ve entered and their format. For those of you that are interested  I will also be writing about my experience at the gym every day I go.This and much more will be posted.

Hope you Enjoy!

A Young Climber's Blog